Our Services & Pricing
We understand estate planning is not a 'one size fits all'. We will meet with you to understand you, your family and your circumstances and provide guidance to ease otherwise difficult transitions.
We create bespoke documents that are based on you and your family's future.
We provide reviews of existing documents to ensure they operate as desired.
Opes Legal & Consulting will always provide you with an estimate of costs prior to commencement
Our Services
Strategic Review Package (our core service)
We review your current documents and test them for outcomes on transfer to the next generation; whether it is during your lifetime, following loss of capacity and/or death.
We strategically look at your structures (such as companies and trusts) to ensure your succession planning will work and recommend any changes required to prevent unravelling.
Family Agreement Package
We can meet with you and your family to facilitate and prepare a written agreement that outlines your family goals, values and intentions. This can be a valuable document for succession planning to ensure that there are no surprises and that all family members can contribute and be heard. Claims against estates will undo the most beautifully crafted estate plans and communication is key to addressing this risk.
Family Meetings
We can chair meetings with you and your adult children to discuss and engage with them on important family matters and find workable solutions. We prepare and circulate a meeting agenda prior to the meeting, facilitate and help with any action items requiring legal support.
Estate Planning Documents
We will help you to prepare the estate planning documents that are suited to you and your family, explain the purpose and discuss your options.